We began our day with morning prayer in the cloister at Dimesse House. Br. Valentin, the Provincial of the Province of Central East Africa, and Br. Francis,
Superior of the West African District were invited to spread the fertile soil of Africa in an image of the continent outlined in rocks.
Each participant was invited to place a rock from his or her country into the continent. These rocks were later used at evening prayer in a ritual typical of people from the Andes.
During the morning, we met in small groups to discuss our personal and province journeys to the assembly and then met with our region (Arco Norte) to discuss areas of life and the common challenges faced by the provinces of the region.
The highlight of the day was the cultural program for the evening, that you read about in Alice's post. Here is our display table and a picture of the "got marist?" team before our big game.
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