As I mentioned in my previous post, the participants at the second Marist International Mission Assembly met with their regions to discuss evidence of life in each province and the challenges that we share. The Province of the United States of America is part of the Arco Norte region, which extends from Canada down to the countries of the northern Andes and includes six provinces. While diverse in language, culture and specific examples of new life, we share many challenges.
Maureen and I shared several examples of new life in our province. First, was the region sponsored Juan Diego community with its outreach to the growing Mexican population in East Harlem. The other areas of vitality that we noted were our Marist Youth and Marist Young Adult Programs and the increasing call for lay formation and formal association. We noted that in many ways the young (and not so young) are having a huge influence on the future of the province.
In discussing our common challenges, the following needs emerged:
- new ways of being Brother
- new structures
- new ways of relating between Brothers and Lay People
- an embrace of our internationality
- immediate action
- formation of lay and young Marists
- solidarity with poor children
I guess that it is good to know that our issues are not unique to us. The challenge within the challenges is know how we can collaboratively address these issues. As they say, a challenge is just an opportunity in disguise.
What do you see as the significant signs of life in our province? What do you perceive as the greatest challenges? Please share your thoughts in the comment section.
Below is the visual depiction of the sources of life and the common challenges we face which was used for the region's presentation to the assembly.
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