Our synthesizing process has been long and hard - as much as we all have similarities in our Marist way of being, we also have a wide spectrum of what is valid for each of our regions and provinces. So to come up with a summary that works for everyone is quite an interesting process. We've contemplated individually, in small groups and large groups. We've " voted" with our yellow and orange dots on what we think the priorities are, and a small committee of synthesizers has taken all that and put it into several documents that we've examined and pulled apart and put together again. Today, we heard the final statement, an all inclusive document - but one that will, after our group reflection on it, will still undergo changes. We also met with our region, Arco Norte, to talk about how to share the excitement with everyone back home, on a community level, a province level and a regional level. Lots of good ideas...
Hard at work
Arco Norte Regional meeting
candles at prayer
Br. Tony Leon making his decisions
Dancing at morning prayer
Hashing out the priorities
Br. Michael, Sri Lanka
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